Grand Parade – Sitges Carnival – Sunday from 9pm

Sitges Parade

The first of the Grand Parades takes place this Sunday at 9pm. The route is as follows: Cap de la Vila, Parellades, Bonaire, Passeig de la Ribera, Fragata, Passeig de la Ribera (terra-Picnic), Espanya, Plaça Espanya, Espalter, St.Francesc, Cap de la Vila.

After the parade the costume ball takes place on C.Angel Vidal. Remember, dress to impress!

UPDATE: Sunday 12pm.

The preperations are well underway for today's parades. Right now, outside our door you can hear all shorts of music as the carnival floats make their way up Santiago Rusinol.

Sitges Parade

In a couple of hours local Sitgeans will be dancing their asses off on top of these floats!

Sitges Parade

Its going to be loud folks…and a long long night!